Windows 2019 Server Change TimeZone error "Unable to continue" You Do not have permissions to perform this task.

 Namaste everyone,

During the install of a new Azure AD Connect software I was provided a brand new Windows 2019 Server Datacenter Edition and this was fully patched and updated with the Security patches.

There were no Group Policies with exception of the Domain Policy and a SCCM Server Policy for patching. I noticed the time was out of sync an hour as the server was located in the different region and all other servers were set to local region settings.

So the usual step is to try and change the date and time from the Control Panel, however when I tried to update the time I received a message that I cannot change the time. "Unable to continue" You Do not have permissions to perform this task. Please contact your administrator for help.

The simple fix to use the Get-Timezone and Set-Timezone PowerShell commands, 

Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable | where StandardName -like "*GM*"    ( This command will extract the specific Timezone with the words GM in the StandardName, you can add your timezone wildcard words)

Set-TimeZone -Name "GMT Standard Time"  ( This command will set the timezone on the server as per the requirement and StandardName should match the previous result)

Hope this helps to resolve the TimeZone issue on the Windows 2019 Server.


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