
Showing posts from 2016

Citrix Edgesight Custom User Reporting

Hello Citrix Admins! While working on a Citrix XenApp Project and investigating some performance related issues I came across the requirement to pull out Custom Users from the farm. In Citrix XenApp Environment we had integrated Edgesight Reporting tool to pull out statistics from Application to Hardware usage on the Citrix Servers.EdgeSight integrates with Microsoft Reporting Services to provide the historical reports so the reports themselves are written in a form of XML called RDL or Report Definition Language. EdgeSight uses RDL to its specifications and clients can custom reporting as per requirements, I will not go into the details as this is a vast topic to cover. However I get request to provide Custom User Count reporting file and for that reason I have provided on my blog to help Citrix Admins out there. As always please test this on your Dev/Test Environment before deploying this on your Production server and this script is tested multiple times so should be good ...

Azure PowerShell - No default subscription has been designated

I came across this error after installing Azure PowerShell via WebPI and I launched Azure PowerShell using Administrator. “Get-AzureRemoteAppCollectionUsageDetails: No default subscription has been designated” Quiet strange as I had logged in using my account details and authenticated successfully, imported Azure Module by using the command “Import-Module Azure”. I was trying to explore the cmdlets in Azure PowerShell and build a VM from the set of commands, to take a next step I had to get my Subscription and Set it before I can view or gather any information on my Subscription and view my setup I had in Azure Portal. Detailed error information from Azure PowerShell : Get-AzureRemoteAppCollectionUsageDetails : No default subscription has been designated. Use Select-AzureSubscription -Default <subscriptionName> to set the default subscription. At line:1 char:1 + Get-AzureRemoteAppCollectionUsageDetails     + CategoryInfo   ...